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  • Masilla Acrílica para alisar y tapar grietas, agujeros e imperfecciones en paredes, techos de concreto, yeso y madera.
    • Secado rápido
    • Excelente adhesión
    • Fácil uso
    • Pintable
    Empaques disponibles: 8, 16, 32 oz 1 y 5 gal
  • Compuesto  diseñado para reparar grietas y huecos en techos a base de resinas asfálticas y solventes de secado lento. Sella las partes dañadas y produce una capa resistente al agua. Se recomienda como imprimador de superficies muy porosas e irregulares, adecuándola a la impermeabilización.
    • Para sellar y reparar grietas y agujeros
    • Resistente al agua
    • Se puede pintar
    • Uso exterior
    • Rendimiento: Aprox. 12 pies cuadrados (1 mt 2)/ galón
    Empaques disponibles: 4, 8, 16 y 32 oz 1 y 5 gal
  • Sellador impermeabilizante con alto grado de viscosidad, formulado con una combinación de resinas acrílicas y elastoméricas especiales para corregir filtraciones y grietas.

    • 100% resistente al agua y a la humedad
    • No se agrieta
    • 2 años de garantía
    Empaques disponibles: 1 y 5 gal
  • Line of solvent based Natural Rubber Adhesives.
    Code Features and Applications
    3105 Glue with fast-dry, high adhesive, and good heat resistant. Adequate for pieces of hem.
    3110 Glue with fast-dry and low-cost. Presents excellent properties for hem pieces.
    3115 Glue with medium dry. Presents excellent properties to paste insoles.
  • Solvent-based polyurethane glue, with medium-long hot open time and high initial and final bond strength. It is also supplied in black (5112) and white (5113). Packaging available: 5 and 55 gal Line of solvent based Polyurethane adhesives.
    Code Features and Applications
    5106 Low viscosity glue with UV indicator. Used to join synthetic materials (PVC, PU, vinyl laminates etc.).
    5110* Glue with medium-high hot open time and good starting and ending strength. Suitable use for bonding synthetic materials such as PVC, PU, laminates, etc.
    5111 Glue with medium-long hot open time and high initial and final bond strength. It contains in its formulation a UV additive for its visibility under ultraviolet light Suitable for bonding white synthetic materials such as PVC, PU, Vinyl laminates.
    5112 Glue with medium-long hot open time and high initial and final bond strength. Suitable for bonding white synthetic materials such as PVC, PU, Vinyl laminates.
    5113 Glue with medium-long hot open time and high initial and final bond strength. Suitable for bonding white synthetic materials such as PVC, PU, Vinyl laminates.
    5114 Glue with medium-high hot open time, good initial and final strength and without Toluene in its “toluene free” formulation. Suitable for bonding synthetic materials such as PVC, PU, laminates, etc.
    5116 Glue with short hot open time, excellent initial and final strength and high heat resistance. Contains UV indicator. Suitable for gluing all kinds of cuts to PU floors; EVA, SBR, TPR pretreated.
    5118 Glue with medium hot open time, excellent initial and final strength and high heat resistance. Contains UV indicator. Suitable for gluing all kinds of cuts to PU floors; EVA, SBR, TPR pretreated.
    5120 Glue with short hot open time, excellent initial and final strength and high heat resistance. Contains UV indicator. Suitable for gluing all kinds of cuts to PU floors; EVA, SBR, TPR pretreated.
    5125 Glue with short hot open time, excellent initial and final strength and high heat resistance. Contains UV indicator. Suitable for gluing all kinds of cuts to PU floors; EVA, SBR, TPR pretreated.
    5126 Glue (1 and 2K) with medium hot open time. Ideal for processes that require high resistance to bonding, it contains a UV indicator. Suitable for gluing PU, PVC, pretreated synthetic rubber.
    5130 Glue with long hot open time, low activation temperature and high hot tack. Suitable for gluing PVC, PU floors; SBR, TPR (pretreated) where high final strength is needed.
    5131 Glue with open time with long heat, low temperature of reactivation, and high “hot-tack”, contains a UV indicator. Adequate for pasting any type of floor of PU; PVC and EVA, SBR, TPR pretreated.
    5140 Glue with long open time and a high initial force (after it dries), this allows that the glue can be use without activating it. Glue for assembling and reparations.
  • An advanced brush grade formula based on high crystallization polymers which offers permanent bonding and ultra fast setting, specially design for bonding a wide variety of substrates used in furniture manufacturing, mattresses and upholsteries.

    • Bonds wood, decorative laminates, plywood, quilt foam, leather, rubber and similar surfaces
    • Moderate heat resistance.
    • Dry ultra-fast (10-20 minutes).
    • Open time 40 minutes
    Packaging available: 32 oz 1, 5 and 55 gal
  • An advanced brush grade formula based on high crystallization polymers which offers permanent bonding and ultra fast setting, specially design for bonding a wide variety of substrates used in furniture manufacturing, mattresses and upholsteries.

    • Bonds wood, decorative laminates, plywood, quilt foam, leather, rubber and similar surfaces
    • Moderate heat resistance.
    • Dry ultra-fast (10-20 minutes).
    • Open time 40 minutes
    Packaging available: 32 oz 1, 5 and 55 gal
  • Black asphalt based compound specially designed to repair cracks and holes on concrete on roofs. Seals damaged parts and produce a waterproof film.
    • Seals and repairs holes and cracks
    • Fully waterproof
    • Paintable
    • Exterior use
    • Yield: Approx. 12 square feet (1 m 2) / gallon
    Packaging available: 4, 8, 16, 32 oz, 1 and 5 gallons.
  • Universal wood glue is a high strength and fast setting aliphatic resin glue ideal for furniture, cabinetry and finish trim applications. Specifically formulated to bond hard and soft wood, as well as most porous materials. Aplicación manual.
    • Strong initial tack
    • Dries rapidly- Short clamp time
    • Solvent free
    • Dries rapidly
    • Short clamp time
    • Multi-Purpose.
    • Sands easily
    • Paintable
    • Easy clean up
    • Non-flammable
    • Wont soft
    • Easy to use applicator for better handling 4, 8, 16 y 32 oz
    Packaging available: 4, 8, 16 y 32 oz fl with applicator ½, 1, 5 and 55 gal
  • High quality primer rust protector to be use on ferric surfaces. Available in a wide variety of colors. Semi dull finish. It can be use also as a paint for metallic surfaces.
    • Corrosion protection for ferrous surfaces
    • Great performance
    • Fast drying
    • Good finish
    • Available colors: Gray, red, black, blue or green
    Packaging available: 16, 32 oz 1 gal
  • Excellent adhesion flexible cement, specially formulated to permanently bond Vinyl coated and Vinyl laminated fabrics to themselves or others materials. Ideal for patching and sealing. Suitable for signs, mats, truck and pool covers, sporting goods, tents, etc. Ideal for patching and sealing
    • Excellent for the adhesion of Vinyl coated and Vinyl laminated fabrics
    • Waterproof and Resistant to temperature
    Packaging available: 32 oz 1 and 55 gal
  • Versatile product for a wide range of applications. Designed especially for gluing paper, cork, screen, wood and other porous materials It is ideal for photo frame. Dries quickly Aplicador de fácil uso. It contains no solvent. Non flammable.
    • Permanent adhesion
    • High heat resistance
    • Dries quickly
    Packaging available: 8, 16 and 32 oz fl ½, 1, 5 and 55 gal
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